Last comment for self-hosted Bitrix24

Last comment for self-hosted Bitrix24


The module writes the last user comment to the tab «Time elapsed» of the task.

In the normal mode of work with tasks, for which the option «Time tracking» is enabled, all records of the time spent are adding to the tab «Time elapsed», but without comments.


Our module extends the standard features, allowing you to make a comment on the «Time elapsed» tab. Namely — after setting up the module, it will add to the «Time elapsed» tab a record with the time spent and the text from the last comment of the user to this task. It means, the user «A» wrote the comment «Text» to the task, later he clicked «Start time tracker» (the «Time tracking» option must be enabled in the task) and he paused or finished the task, then on the tab «Time elapsed» a record with the time spent by this user and the text of his last comment from the task («Text») will appear.



Attention! The module works only for the tasks with tags, specified in the module settings!

Now let's go directly to the setup.

Go to the administrative part of the portal, section «Settings» — «System settings» — «Module settings» — «Last comment». In the field «For tasks with the tags (separate by commas)» specify the tags of the tasks, for which the module will work.

Attention! The module doesn’t work for tasks without tags and for tasks with disabled checkbox «Time tracking».